Thursday, May 13, 2010


Topic 6- I think the word clique is really annoying. I don’t think I really belong to a clique. Yeah..
Topic 7- My favorite part of spring is the sun coming out and it getting that much closer to summer.
Topic 8- I don’t think I’m missing much in my life. I feel like I’m doing most of what I want to do.
Topic9- As Mr. Williams would say.. “Women are amazing.” I don’t really think anyone really has it harder or it would be more clear.
Topic10- WHAT?! There’s no hidden wonder in my world. Everything is plain sight. I don’t even know how to respond to this one.
Topic11- “Do you think aliens will attack us? Why?” I just randomly choose one. No I don’t think any aliens will attack us. Are their aliens? Yes, but we will NEVER see them.
Topic12- Everyone is responsible for themselves. I strongly believe that.
Topic 13- It doesn’t really matter if it’s a good thing or not. Technology is there weather we like it or not.
Topic14- Do we even reply to this?
I know this is half-assed but its what I could do with the 15 minutes of time I have.

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