Saturday, May 8, 2010

Newer can be better but not always

So is technology a good thing? Well yes and no. It's good because obviously it helps us keep progressing and making new discoveries, it also helps us complete tasks and make certain things alot easier. It is also kind of bad sometimes because the people creating the technology keep producing newer and newer things its sometimes really hard to keep up. It is also bad because sometimes if you have the newest thing sometimes its hard to find the right things to work with it and the same thing with old technology, it may still be usable and work perfectly fine, but you have to buy the newest thing in order to keep up. Sometimes when it comes to things that I know how to do like drawing and writing I don't need help from technology, well unless I have to write a paper then I use it sometimes. Sometimes it's nice to have new technology but sometimes it's to hard to try and keep up and afford it. For example my Ipod I received the Ipod nano for Christmas and then like two months later they came out with a newer and better model. Sigh so oh well I still have the same Ipod and it's wonderful.

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