Monday, May 17, 2010

topic 14 - Was shakespeare a......

I couldnt get it out of my mind.all over in his plays..., people dying practically being exterminated!what was that man thinking about as all these people were dying, and then it came to me. SHAKESPEARES A NAZI!!! i know i know you guys are all probably thinking "Jonah, just shut up" . but seriously just think about it folks.All the needless bloodshed, all the supremacy of everything, romeo and juliets"final solution"to their parents not wanting them together. Its just too much, it must be.
those of you who dont believe can even go to jonahs invisible website of info due to him not wanting crackheads to steal it.As i was checking up on it i realized that there was several pieces of writing using the font"shakespears handwriting" all these facts about him being a self proclaimed Nazi.One piece of writing especially caught my interest that said "i shakespeare am the harbinger of destruction to the jews". I simply couldnt believe so i checked my even more invisible website of info where everything was erased but something new was there. it said "why dont you believeme jonah"I suddenly became quite frightened,i looked out the windows I checked all of the rooms and closets, but there was nothing. i had to keep reading but all that was there was "I shakespeare am a nazi, I shakespeare am a nazi, I shakespeare am a nazi" over and over and over again. I simply couldnt contain myself, I let a blood curdling scream. I new then that i was going insane and i must stop reading.
(shaky sigh)I know that it must be true theres sadly no other possible alternative. shakespear was is and always will be a nazi. we must not run from this fact or it will chase us down and consume us.We must simply ackknowledge this sad fact.
but that wasnt all, I realized,
if shakespeare is a nazi then all those people that enjoyed his writings even a single line out of a script is also a nazi or at least a nazi lover.It was to overwhelming to bear i had to weep into the key board. I too was a nazi. we all must come to agreeance on this or we might all be destroyed by this. theres nothing we can do besides destroy all of shakespeares works. We must be unified in this terrible times of realization.or all will be lost............


  1. Ive got to stop drinking so much cofee

  2. Im sorry, but i cant take you seriously

  3. lol um maybe he did it for the make it interesting...or maybe that's how he felt all storys should end, with death?

  4. We can't stop here, this is bat country!


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