Monday, May 17, 2010

topico numero twelvo - responsibility

ahhhh the taking of responsibility for ones own actions. i here that this can be difficult at times, and some people might even go so far as to put the blame on other things.I believe that a person under the influence is still responsible for their own actions because they(for the most part) chose to go under the influence so it is ultimately their fault.As for being or going insane i geuss theres not much someone can do to stop themselves, but thats were laws come in. I believe if you are doing things that need insanity to have the responsibility theres a place where people are supposed to go when they cant control themselves. As for being coerced by another, unless someone put a gun in your hand and pushed your finger into pulling the trigger, its still your fault and i think if thats the case you probably wont get in much trouble. Some people might say though "but they said they'd kill me what was i supposed to do",id still take the bullet, well i geuss i probably wouldnt if they said that they'd kill my family or it had something to do with them. But seriously are any of those circumstances going to come up, its your fault, now take responsibility. Because were all big girls and boys, were not ten years old. I think were a little beyond saying they made me do it, weve got free will (going to under 18) even if we are under 18. I dont know what age to say is at the legal point because different people grow at different paces but I certainly am not about to blame my messups on the fact that im 16, that would be freaking ridiculous i know exactly what i do because i choose to do it.It would be know ones fault but mine........

unless of course those damned prinnys were involved.

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