Tuesday, May 25, 2010

!42! Topic #15: No Retreat, No Surrender.

When should you give up?
Is it really true that you should never surrender, never back down, always keep fighting?
Or does it make more sense to let something go, and try to conserve some effort/energy/resources of whatever kind, for the next fight?
What are the gradations, or the categories and criteria? What sorts of things should you surrender on quickly, if anything, and what are the sorts of things you should never surrender?

Answers (If you haven't given up on this blog entirely, that is) by next Tuesday, June 1.

1 comment:

  1. i think it depends on the situation and the persons condition to let go. i have a family member, my grandma. that was in a car crash abut 6 months ago and shes in a coma i love her so much but i cant help thinking what really is there to keep fighting for wouldn't she be better off passing, shes already lived a happy life. when she wakes up or if she wakes up she'll have to be in a wheelchair and she'll most likely never be the same person that she was. if its making the person miserable and causing the family false hope then why keep fighting. this is just like my aunt who had cancer, she died 2 weeks ago from it. with the pain she was in all the time and staying in the hospitals i just didn't understand why she kept fighting when she knew her cancer was fatal. the truth is i dont know when people should give up i guess it just depends on the circumstances.


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