Sunday, May 23, 2010

If a picture's worth a thousand words..

I honestly don't find anything interesting about William Shakespeare so I decided to do my essay on the cool things about where he lived. So the first question is, where did he live? Wikipedia shows me that he lived in Warwick, England. This isn't going to be historically correct because I'm going to talk about modern day Warwick.

Warwick has a very medieval design to it. The streets in Warwick are quiet amazing. But they aren't from the original town that stood before because of the "great fire" that happened in 1694.

When entering the east side of Warwick you'll come across Warwick's east gate which is the the last part along with the west gate that remain from the original Warwick after the great fire.
Here is a picture of it below.

The most amazing thing about Warwick though, is the castle. The castle was built by William the Conquerer in 1068. The castle lies along the beautiful River Avon. The castle has had more then five rulers throughout its history. Although it has been structurally restored its is still the most amazing part about Shakespeare's town, Warwick. I think the only way to show how great it is, is by providing a few pictures.

All of these things provide to Warwick's culture which has been around for a thousand years. It's those reasons why it still stands today.

Warwick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Warwick Castle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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