Friday, May 28, 2010

Catching up on all the blogs


I believe that everyone is responsible for themselves and their actions unless they are menatlly or physically incapable of having that "power" or choice, and needs other people to take responsibilty for them because they cant do so themselves. But with the situation of the man being stabbed and people just walking by, I have to use my american histroy nerdyness here and quote the declaration of independenc, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." What quote means is that those who have the ability to take action, have the responsibility to take action. Right there in our contry's most important document it says that and yet people just walk by and do nothing about it.


I am more of an old fashion but some technology i am okay with, like with the white board and infocus machine i liek those becuase the writing and papers are easier to read without my glasses that a chalkboard or overhead. Typing vs. writing, i would have to say writing, being a writer I like the sound of pen on paper, i feel like i can have more emotion when i am writing and you can take a pen and paper anywhere with you and still work on your writing. I don't always choose higher technology, with photography i love using film cameras and developing and printing my own pictures, the quality of a phot is way better, than an instant picture camera.

#15-No retreat, No surrender

I don't think you should ever give up when you are fighting for something that you really believe strongly in or love with all your heart. If it is a stupid argument and the other person is being stupid and you know you can't convince them i would say dont waste your breath just walk away. I also feel that if it is a life or death situation, depending on what you are fighting for most likely its not worth dying for. Lastly i think that holding on to things that frustrate you or make you made wastes energy because a lot of those grudges don't mean anything and the person most liely doesnt know your mad at them so you are wasting yourself on a pointless thing, its usually best to let it go and move on.

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