Monday, May 31, 2010

GIving Up

It's hard to say when you should give up. I don't think you should give up say if you have cancer and you can fight for more time to live. If you were running for president though and you had no chance of winning, it's probably just a waste of you money and time to keep trying. I know some of these are ridiculous scenarios, but if you're kidnapped you shouldn't give up trying to escape. Fight it out. Maybe you'll succeed.

Sometimes, like when you're in an argument with somebody, maybe you should just give up and be the bigger person. It's not worth it to argue with some people. Especially when they're too stubborn to give up themselves. They may call you out for backing down, but in reality it's you being the bigger person. It's not always weakness to give up. But sometimes you just need to fight it out and never stop trying.

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