Monday, May 24, 2010

Whas there a connection between Shakespeare and his plays?

I really couldn’t think of a topic to research so I just asked my mom and this is something she always wanted to know about Shakespeare is if Shakespeare’s life was connected to his plays. As far as I could tell the only connection between Shakespeare and his plays is that he has had many people die in his life and a majority of his plays were tragedies. Shakespeare wrote some comedies and histories, but a majority of his plays were tragedies which I think was because he has had a lot of people in his life die around him like his son Hamnet and three of his siblings.

Shakespeare’s son Hamnet had contracted the bubonic plague and died when he was eleven years old. Not much was known about Hamnet but I only can imagine that this death contributed to Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare’s had two siblings that had died also by the bubonic plague. Joan and Margaret were supposed to be Shakespeare’s older sisters, but they had both died, so it was almost like he was the first child to his parents.

Shakespeare was familiar with death in his life and that is why I think he put so much death in his plays. There is a thing called the Shakespearean tragedy where everyone or almost everyone dies in the end which I think is linked to the death that seemed to linger around his life.

Pressley, J.M. "Shakespeare's Biography". Shakespeare Resource Center. <>

"William Shakespeare His Children & Grandchildren". William Shakespeare info.

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