Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Late, late, late topics.

Topic 1: Grade the class.
    I'd give our class a 5.5/10 because we talk a lot and we tend to stray from the subject a lot as well. I find myself getting very annoyed in that class.

Topic 2: My elements of fiction.
     I'd say I'm more of a people watcher.. I base how I act around people with how the other people are acting. Sometimes I feel like I stray from my true sense of self in order to not upset anyone or lead into unwanted situations. I pay more attention to the theme of things; how things turn out to be or what the deeper meaning is behind it all.

Topic 3: Movies
    What is your favorite movie of all time? Why?:  Titanic because it has a tragic ending and a very happy beginning. It makes you think how your whole life could change in an instant. And the possibility of the love Jack and Rose felt between eachother seems like it makes everything worthwhile.
What is the best movie you have seen in the last month or two?: Probably.. Alice in Wonderland. I don't watch a lot of movies.
What is your favorite action (boy-flick) scene?: I have no idea.
What is your favorite romantic (chick-flick) scene?: Titanic when Rose runs back to Jack after getting on the boat.. It gets me everytime.
What is your favorite line or speech or piece of dialogue to quote?: Alice in Wonderland: "If I had  a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what would it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would."
What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie (That is, a movie you are ashamed to like, but you like it anyway)?: Umm... A Clockwork Orange.

Topic 4: Sports
      I think sports are a great thing for high schoolers because studies show, students who are apart of team sport, their grades are better. And also, it gives people a sense of worth being apart of a team and working together. Honestly though,.. I could care less about the Olympic sports. I don't like watching sports on the TV, I'd rather be doing them.

Topic 5:  Music
What is your favorite song?:  What I Wouldn't Do by: A Fine Frenzy because listening to it makes me happy and think about summer.
Who is your favorite musical artist?:  Either Charlotte Martin or Imogen Heap
What is your favorite genre of music?: Acoustic

Topic 6: Cliques
   Me personally, I don't think I belong to a "clique" but I would have to say if other people saw me, they would think I was a "prep" because the way I dress or "shy kid" because I don't talk a bunch. I hate the idea of cliques though, it doesnt do anyone good. All it does is cause angst between the cliques. No bueno.

...More to come.


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